Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What to do when someone scolds you?

Image result for calmness is the cradle of power

Whatever the case may be , I hope you agree that being yelled at is not a good feeling for anyone.

You generally become sad because of these few reasons:

A. You feel you are always the one who is scolded

B. You feel you were right , and there was no point of you being scolded

C. You feel the person scolding you himself/herself doesn’t do such things and preaches everyone else.

D. Simply you do not like that person and get annoyed whenever they be harsh with you.

I am sure that these are the main thoughts that go about in a person’s mind after being scolded or yelled at.

Isn’t it?

Well you are not the only one , all of us have faced harsh words someday or the other but the question is how to come over them?

To tackle these situations i have got two swords

Well I call these swords as the 2 important “P’s” in life


Which are sharp enough to cut through anyone’s words.

You know why?

Because no matter how much somebody scolds you , if you slap them with your work and not your words it is then you will realise why your patience mattered a’lot at that point.

No matter how harsh those words are that you have to listen you ACT NOT REACT .

No matter whatever you have to listen at that time if you be patient and just listen to what they say and work upon it to prove them wrong it is probably the best thing you could do to show them why they were wrong that day at scolding you.

By that we do not mean to keep on accepting the wrong as well but it’s just that rather than yelling or cursing that guy back again — you should keep your calm , just try to walk away or just talk to them in a less harsh manner.

By reacting at that point of time , even when you know you are right it shall only aggrevate the situation and never solve it.


Your persistence is very much important to tackle these kind of situations ,

Because it shall be the only way that should put you on the path of proving to someone else.

If you are persistent in your approach and thinking it will always keep you in a stable set of mind ,

Because remember you are not taking A REVENGE from them you just need to prove them why you deserve much more than what they have given you
And you have to earn that feeling out of them and not snatch it forcefully.

But guys whatever the case may be , being angry over someone’s​ else remark shall only burn our blood

Put that aggression to a positive side — use it as a motivating factor to prove them wrong.

Your patience makes a’lot of your personality , if you are patient and calm in life or know how to put your aggression to the best use

You’ll see how much better results you receive in life as the words they say are momentary but your attitude and your personality is what goes with you a long long way.
Develop an attitude to accept criticism and use it towards improving yourself rather than cribbing about it.

In a nutshell ACT NOT REACT !!


( Copy from Internet)

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